Our main objective for this production is to generate a music documentary that incorporates the main conventions of a documentary. We chose the music industry because it is something we all have great amount of knowledge on and can adapt to any problems arose within the production, another reason for the selection is that the audience obtain a sense of diversion through the music they listen to they embrace a new world which usually makes them feel good; this is generally known as escapism.
We had accumulated knowledge from lessons based around the production and conventions of a documentary and are now constructing our own documentary similar to our previously studied documentaries. The documentary would also consist of all the possible targets of a production generator and they are to educate, inform, persuade and entertain the audience on the subject of the maturity of music. In the course of this documentary we seek for certain stereotypes placed upon the subject of music and challenge them also showing an alternative side rather than the audience believing in the typical stereotype. The focal stereotype placed on certain music is that it gives a base to violence and to some extreme crime; we intend to pinpoint this stereotype, place arguments against these stereotypes and present this viewpoint in a different manner. Another objective is to persuade the target audience which are mainly teenagers to further music as a career and take it up as a course in university we also explain the benefits of this.
Primarily we are going to concentrate on the progress of the music industry and the expansion that has changed the way we live and our attitude towards certain subjects. Keeping in mind we will also talk about all the people who have committed their whole life and career for their passion in relation to music.